Domain Name Modifications

Instructions and information for modications including transfers

All modification requests such as domain name transfers are subject to the rules of the applicable registry/registrar.

For confidentiality and security reasons, we require written authorisation from the Registered Owner of the Domain Name or his/her authorised agent. This is to reduce the likelihood of your Domain Name being modified, acquired or 'hijacked' without your knowledge or consent. It is company policy not to process any request to modify the applicable Registrars/Registry's database in such a way that is non reversible by 2020MEDIA unless we receive verified and consistent instructions. This can be submitted by our secure Customer Portal or sent as a signed letter or FAX.
Note: Where the legal owner is a Limited Company, a partnership or a trading name, we will look for the request to be authorised by an agent whose status within the organisation is clearly identified. Authorised agents should supply documentary evidence of their appointment by the legal owner, if they have not already done so. Where the legal owner is not resident in the United Kingdom, we regret that additional documentary evidence may be requested to complete the process. In this context we will accept Credit Card details. Please note: Your original invoice, receipt or notification of purchase is not acceptable.

You may submit modifications requests via:

Upon processing your request, a secure payment link will be sent to you by email. We recommend you supply an email address that you know to be valid and operational to ensure we can communicate with you.

You may experience problems with the transfer of domain names that have passed their expiry date. While we will not deny the request, other parties may deny the transfer. In these instances, you will need to contact the registrar directly and pay any charges they may impose.

Depending on the Domain Name and the nature of the request, your request may involve processing by several departments as well as being dependant on action by Third Parties over which we have no control. This may result in delays that are beyond our control. If you require your request to be dealt with urgently we are able to offer priority processing options on payment of an additional processing fee. These options expedite all internal procedures and can result in the request being completed within one working day where no third parties are involved.

Processing Options

Priority Processing options*
 a) Pre-Screening of modification data such as zone file
 b) Live Assistance and advice
 c) Advice of incomplete, in accurate or incorrect data
 d) Processing by each department within 15 minutes of receipt by that department during normal working hours
*Via the priority processing support service on the email, telephone or fax number supplied

Processing options Charges

Payment for processing options is due via a secure online payment website. Prices quoted exclude UK VAT at standard rate which will be added at checkout Timings quoted are "best effort" and refer to a period from when we receive both authorisation AND payment.

Payment Note: We will send you, at the email address given, a one-time link to make payment for the option you have selected via a secure online payment website. The secure payment link advised is

Please ensure you have your UK Credit Card details to hand before you activate the payment link and then follow the directions that appear. Confirmation of your payment will be automatically advised to us electronically and directed to the team member responsible for processing your request who will then take the appropriate action. In the unlikely event that the link expires before use or is not successfully completed, you will need to apply for an alternative link.

You are reminded that all services are subject to our terms and conditions. If you an agent then you are reminded of your obligation to inform the account holder of our understanding that you have the account holders full authority to act on the account holders behalf. You must also make the acount holder aware of our full terms and conditions and those of any applicable registry/registrar and of our understanding that you have the account holders full authority to agree the such terms on their behalf.